Updated: October 31, 2024

State-by-state directory for unemployment insurance and information

Published By:

Jon Davis

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Even in the best of times, understanding how unemployment benefits work can be a challenge. This directory makes it easy to find everything you need to know about unemployment insurance and benefits in each state. Choose your state to quickly access information about what actions you need to take if you plan on terminating an employee. You’ll also find links you can share with employees who need to file an unemployment claim.

The US Department of Labor’s unemployment insurance programs provide unemployment benefits to eligible workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own when they meet certain eligibility requirements. Below is is information for each state and the District of Columbia so you can quickly reference the data you need where your business is located.


State Unemployment information Documentation required? Final wages, if employee quit Final wages, if employee fired
Alabama General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required No law No law
Alaska General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday that’s at least three (3) days after the employee gives notice Within 7 working days of termination
Arizona General information


Filing an unemployment claim

UIB-1015A Next scheduled payday Whichever is first: within seven (7) business days or next payday
Arkansas General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Within 7 business days
California General information


Filing an unemployment claim

For Your Benefit pamphlet must be given to employees no later than the effective date of termination along with an immediate written notice to employees of a change in the employment relationship Within 72 hours Immediately
Colorado General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Immediately
Connecticut General information


Filing an unemployment claim

Employers must provide employees with Form UC-61 -Unemployment Separation Notice immediately upon termination of employment. Next scheduled payday Next business day
Delaware General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
District of Columbia General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Whichever is first: within 7 days or next payday Next business day
Florida General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required No law No law
Georgia General information


Filing an unemployment claim

Separation notice — DOL Form 800 No law No law
Hawaii General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Immediately or next scheduled payday, depending on date of final notice Immediately or next business day if needed
Idaho General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Whichever is first: 1) within 10 days or next payday OR 2) if the employee makes a written request for earlier payment, then within 48 hours of receiving the request Whichever is first: 1) within 10 days or next payday OR 2) if the employee makes a written request for earlier payment, then within 48 hours of receiving the request
Illinois General information


Filing an unemployment claim

Pamphlet “What Every Worker Should Know About Unemployment Insurance” is required if workers are laid off for 7 days or more or separated from payroll for any reason Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
Indiana General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
Iowa General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
Kansas General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required, but employers must provide documentation if requested by the employee. Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
Kentucky General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Whichever is later: within 14 days or next scheduled payday Whichever is later: within 14 days or next scheduled payday
Louisiana General information


Filing an unemployment claim

Form LWC-77 within three days after the date on which the separation from service occurs, or three days after the worker’s separation from employment. Whichever is first: next scheduled payday or within 15 days Whichever is first: next scheduled payday or within 15 days
Maine General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Whichever is first: next scheduled payday or within two (2) weeks of a demand from the employee Whichever is first: next scheduled payday or within two (2) weeks of a demand from the employee
Maryland General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday. Next scheduled payday.
Massachusetts  General information


Filing an unemployment claim

The How to File a Claim  for Unemployment Insurance Benefits brochure must be provided Whichever is first: next paycheck or the Saturday that follows an employee’s resignation Immediately
Michigan General information


Filing an unemployment claim

Form UIA-1711 Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
Minnesota General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required, unless requested by the employee. If requested, the employee is entitled to obtain a copy of their personnel record. If requested in writing within 15 working days of the termination, the employee is entitled to a written explanation of the truthful reasons for the employer’s termination decision. Next payday that’s at least five (5) days after an employee’s last day but no more than 20 days after final day Immediately
Mississippi General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required No law No law
Missouri General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required No law Immediately
Montana General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Whichever is first: next scheduled payday or within 15 days Immediately, but the employer can maintain a written policy that extends this time to the next payday or within 15 days
Nebraska General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Whichever is first: next scheduled payday or within two weeks Whichever is first: next scheduled payday or within two weeks
Nevada General information


Filing an unemployment claim

NUCS-4139 Whichever is first: within 7 days or next payday Immediately
New Hampshire General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday or within 72 hours (if employee gave at least one pay period’s notice) Within 72 hours
New Jersey General information


Filing an unemployment claim

Instructions for Claiming Unemployment Benefits, New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development Division of Unemployment Insurance Form – BC 10 is required Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
New Mexico General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Within 5 days
New York General information


Filing an unemployment claim

Employers are required to notify any employee terminated from employment with form IA-12.3 Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
North Carolina General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
North Dakota General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Whichever is first: next scheduled payday or within 15 days
Ohio General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Whichever is first: next scheduled payday or within 15 days Whichever is first: next scheduled payday or within 15 days
Oklahoma General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
Oregon General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Immediately if the employee gave 48 hours’ notice. Otherwise within 5 days Next business day
Pennsylvania General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
Rhode Island General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
South Carolina General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required No law Whichever is first: within 48 hours or next scheduled payday
South Dakota General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday or when employee returns company property Next scheduled payday or when employee returns company property
Tennessee General information


Filing an unemployment claim

Separation Notice must be given to the employee within 24 hours of separation Within 21 days Within 21 days
Texas  General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Within 6 days
Utah General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Within 24 hours
Vermont General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Whichever is first: next scheduled payday or next Friday Within 72 hours
Virginia General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
Washington General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required but Washington law does require employers to provide a signed written statement stating the 1) reasons for and 2) effective date of discharge upon a written request by the employee Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
West Virginia General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Next scheduled payday
Wisconsin General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Next scheduled payday Whichever is first: next scheduled payday or within one month
Wyoming General information


Filing an unemployment claim

None required Within 5 business days Within 5 business days


In addition, you can use our guide to termination paperwork by state with more resources on what requirements are and things for employers to keep in mind.


If you have questions about updated tax laws and deadlines, click here for quick access to your state’s tax website and information.

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Jon Davis is the Sr. Content Marketing Manager at OnPay. He has over 15 years of experience writing for small and growing businesses. Jon lives and works in Atlanta.