Accelerate business performance and simplify operations with our comprehensive toolkit built for businesses of all sizes.
Instantly calculate your cost of goods sold (COGS) and see why this metric helps businesses make smarter financial decisions.
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Our quick ratio calculator assesses a company's liquidity. Use it to see how well your business can cover its near-term debts with cash and near-cash assets.
Use the tool
Use OnPay’s profit margin calculator to figure out pricing to increase profits, drive growth, and optimize your business.
Use the tool
Use our debt-to-equity ratio calculator to measure your financial leverage and see how much debt your business carries compared to owner investments.
Use the tool
Many states have final paycheck rules for employers and this tool helps you make payments for termination or severance in all 50 states.
Use the tool
Our financial leverage ratio calculator helps business owners understand how much of their assets are financed by debt instead of owner equity.
Use the tool
How do you know if setting up a retirement savings plan will fit into your budget? Use this tool to find out!
Use the tool
Avoid misclassifying employees and independent contractors with OnPay’s free classification checker.
Use the tool
Use OnPay's compliance checker to make sure your business is keeping up to date on requirements like workers' compensation and state-mandated retirement plans.
Use the tool
Try our easy-to-use payroll calculator to quickly run payroll in any state, or get 2025 federal and state tax rates. Fill in the form and OnPay does the math.
Use the tool
Need a little extra help running payroll for hourly employees? Try our paycheck calculator. You’ll see payroll taxes, overtime rates, and everything else you need to get those paychecks right.
Use the tool
Quickly calculate a gross-up with our net to gross calculator which converts net take home pay into the pre-tax gross pay amount. Don’t worry, it’s easy.
Use the tool
Not sure how to calculate a shift differential? Use this tool to crunch the numbers and learn more about them.
Use the tool
Use this tool to accurately calculate bonus payroll taxes with the latest rates and learn about aggregate vs. flat methods.
Use the tool
This free calculator makes it simple to accurately calculate taxes on tipped wages to run payroll for employees in bars and restaurants.
Use the tool
Calculate flat payroll taxes on employee bonuses with our up-to-date bonus tax rate calculator.
Use the tool
Try OnPay out yourself to see how easy payroll and HR can be. To get started, just share a few basic details about your business. Our team of pros will set everything up and import your employees’ information for you.
Below are more resources to help you grow, get more payroll and HR know-how, and explore OnPay client success stories.