What are articles of incorporation?

Updated: November 11, 2024

Articles of incorporation

Articles of incorporation are a series of official documents filed with a government body to legally form a corporate entity or company in the state where you do business. The paperwork includes important information related to your business, such as its name, location, purpose, and type of corporate structure.


More about articles of incorporation

This paperwork is not only necessary to formally notify your state of your intent to incorporate but also to set up a new or existing company as a professional corporation, nonprofit corporation, or other classification.


While the application process is different from state to state, most require you to include details such as the name and address of your corporation’s registered agent. The agent is usually the person or organization to whom your state government will direct all critical correspondence, including legal and state documents. In addition, if you have a board of directors, you’ll need to include their names and addresses in your completed application or you may not be able to complete the registration process. Most states offer the option to file online, in person, or through the mail.


Articles of incorporation are sent to the Secretary of State’s office in the state where a company conducts business, and filing fees vary depending on your location. For example, there’s a $110 filing fee in the state of Georgia, while filing in New York costs up to $125.

Using articles of incorporation in a sentence

“We officially took an exciting step forward in the history of our company by filing articles of incorporation with the state.”

Terms related to: Articles of incorporation

Articles and resources related to: Articles of incorporation


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