NEXT Insurance

We're 100% dedicated to small businesses.

Benefits and Compliance


NEXT simplifies insurance for small business owners so they can optimize coverage and run their businesses with continued confidence.


We’re a national leader in pay-as-you-go workers’ comp, delivering zero hassle, flexible and streamlined billing to more than 420,000 small business customers.

How it works

Our pay-as-you-go workers’ compensation policies assist our clients with their cash flow management. Unlike traditional billing, where your premium is based on estimated payroll, OnPay will upload your actual payroll data to us. We will then systematically calculate your premium every pay cycle.


See how much you would pay in 6 minutes.*


Pay-as-you-go provides:

  • Better cash-flow management
  • No large upfront deposits & $0 down
  • Decreases or eliminates audit expenses
  • Saves time and money


*Disclaimer: Median times in minutes based on website activity between 1/1/2023 and 2/6/2023, sample size was 13,161 sessions.


It’s easy
to get started

Try OnPay out yourself to see how easy payroll and HR can be. To get started, just share a few basic details about your business. Our team of pros will set everything up and import your employees’ information for you.