Get more done with easy, accurate payroll

Save time and get all your finances in one place with:

  • Full-service payroll that automates all your payroll taxes
  • Built-in HR and benefits
  • Streamlined pay-as-you-go workers’ comp
  • Seamless financial software integrations


Setup is super simple

1. Sign up for payroll

Just give us some basic info, and then you’ll get help from payroll experts the rest of the way.

2. We’ll sync everything up

In addition to entering employee information, we’ll set up custom integrations with your favorite apps.

3. Live happily ever after!

Pay your employees however they want, automate payroll taxes, and add payroll expenses to the books automatically.

Rated 4.8 stars out of 5 in 880 reviews

from Capterra, G2, and TrustPilot.