
Upcoming CPE Webinars

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  2. The Ledger
  3. Free CPE Webinars

How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever: Increase Your Market Share and Raise Your Profit Margin

Date: November 8, 2022

Time: 12 pm ET

Credit(s): 1.0

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Course Description:

Do what other accounting professionals only talk about. You comfortably spend time working IN your business, doing the day-to-day operations. Working ON your business, to strategically grow your business, is an advanced move. A strategic plan puts you squarely in charge of your destiny. Instead of your business running you, you run your business. With this framework, you move closer to achieving the more important rewards. Whether you want to travel more, pay off your debt, or fund your retirement plan, we’ll discuss how to achieve the things which deeply matter to you. Forget the traditional, boring business plan you fill out and shove it into the back of your filing cabinet. Your strategic plan offers clarity about what to do, what to let go of, and how to grow your bank account. Consider this your Path to Profits Blueprint.


Learning Objectives:

During this action-packed session we’ll cover:

  • How to maintain momentum instead of losing interest.
  • Ditch goal setting and its limitations.
  • The secret to 3X your business – it’s simple and elegant.


Presenter: Loren Fogelman, Business Success Solution

OnPay is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.

State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.NASBARegistry.org.